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  The Jijiu (Chief) said, a hundred schools of thought all originated in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. The teachings of scholars known as sages have also had a profound impact on later generations. When I was reading Su Shi's Fu on the Former Red Cliff, I exclaimed that in this world, we are like mayflies between the sky and the sea. Because I admire the knowledge of sages, I set up a museum named Xinghai Archive of The Name of China here to record things from ancient times to the present.

  The Jijiu【祭酒】:中文语境下属于古代博士(掌管经书的官员)之首,亦是稷下学宫之首,位同今日之校长,网络上常将其翻译为chief(首席),然而祭酒乃是中国特有之名词,翻译为首席,未免有些失了神韵。

  We are all guests here, and we call each other Jun(also called gentlemen or ladies ), which is very different from contemporary people.

  这里的 Jun ,在中文语境中表示君,指的是绅士gentleman或淑女lady的意思,为贴合本文含义,故翻译为“Jun”,意即gentlemen or ladies)

  In my opinion, this kind of address did not originate from Japan, but from ancient China. Although Lord Xinling(also called Xinling Jun), Chunshen, Mengchang and Pingyuan, the four princes of the Warring States Period, are famous for their titles, we use "Jun " to describe each other and also mean to respect each other.

  Xinghai Archive of The Name of China records not only people and things from ancient times to the present, but also the lives of gods and demons. As long as they exist, they will be recorded here. I use the Jijiu (Chief) as my title to take charge of the affairs of the xinghai Archive of The Name of China.


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